Friday, July 20, 2012

Learning Colors

 I went to Lowes last night and put these little things together this morning.

My 2 year old and I have a long flight ahead of us this afternoon and I'm hoping this entertains her for a good chunk of it??!!  I LOVE projects that help learning in any way and am really excited about these. I'm actually laminating the colored papers right now because I'm so excited about these that I want them to last.

Sooooo easy and inexpensive! 
The colored papers are obviously free and I got the clips for $1.97 at Walmart!!

Below is the picture I was going off and here is the Pinned link that inspired it! I think that the bigger squares on the clips would make this a little easier for smaller kids because they are easier to see and compare against the other paper but I did mine smaller to fit the clip so the paper wouldn't bend while being stored.


  1. I've seen this and this is awesome!! I want to do this now. And smart to laminate them. Gosh can you please move back?? I miss you already just seeing the fun things you are always doing.

  2. So did you go to a hardware store for the color papers or did you get those at the paint section in Walmart as well?? Next project!! :)
