Monday, September 3, 2012

Homemade Powdered Sugar

Well, my husband and I decided we NEEDED brownies, so I got to work. As I was pulling everything out that I needed for the frosting I realized I didn't have enough powdered sugar. As you can guess, Pinterest came to the rescue! 

All it said to do was pour sugar in your blender and press GO.
 (If you aren't going to use it right away they recommend adding a little cornstarch). 

It tasted right and seemed to be exactly what I needed so I proceeded to make my frosting....

So, making powdered sugar this way, it doesn't come out quite as fine. So, as a result my frosting had a grainy texture that I didn't care for. My husband didn't mind and said they tasted great. Soooo, if you are a 'texture' person, like I am, then this probably isn't for you. But, it was a nice back up for our chocolate craving emergency. :)

To check out the website click HERE

1 comment:

  1. Totally tried this when I was out of powdered sugar. I actually tried it with sucanat (organic-less processed sugar) and it worked perfectly! Thanks!
