Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Raspberry Oatmeal Smoothie


I think I may have found my staple for breakfast every morning!! 

This is sooooooo yummy!! Just so people that are as grocery store challenged as I am can find everything with out problems... the coconut milk comes in a can in the cooking isle :) 

I want everyone to make this... Seriously. So. Good.

Get the recipe here!


  1. I'm impressed you found the coconut water, it took me 4 times at the store searching after I gave up and used juice.to finally find it. they also sell it at the Costco out here, just saw it last time in. love that smoothie though. I have also added a little strawberry protein powder when I was working out (not now since I'm lazy) and it was super yummy!

    1. You must try with the coconut water, it adds really good taste! But, I'm sure you can't you wrong with juice :)

  2. Ok wait coconut water? Or coconut milk? This does sound delicious!

    1. We used coconut water and one can is enough for at least 2 batches- or you can drink the left over plain right out of the can. Yummy!
