Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ruffle Skirt

LOVE this skirt and it seriously took me about an hour and a half from start to finish... I probably could have gotten it done a little quicker too if I wasn't getting sucked into Modern Family re-runs in the back ground... I got 1/2 yard fabric and 1 yard elastic from HERE . 

I sewed the two short sides together...

Bunch stitched along the top...

I measured the elastic around my waist and trimmed it down, sewed it into a circle, pinned the elastic around the bunched side and sewed it all together using a *double needle (shown below).

Click HERE for the link off Pinterest :)

*The double needle sews 2 straight parallel lines on the front side and zig zag between one another on the back side to allow the elastic to stretch.

** On the inside where I sewed the elastic and fabric together it doesn't look pretty but no one sees that, right?! So, I'm over it :)

Soooo easy and soooo cute!!