Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Staples Engineer Print Project

The second I came across the tip on Pinterest that you can order black and white enlarged photos from Staples for a couple dollars I opened a second window, googled engineer prints at Staples and ordered mine right then!! I received an email about an hour later saying it was ready for pick up. So exciting!! 

 I then went to Lowes and got a piece of wood cut down to 18X24" and came home and got to work!

HERE is the link

** When I ordered my print I had the option of a few different sizes. I ordered the smallest which was 18x24". I went straight from Staples to Lowes to get my wood. I WISH I'd come home and cut around the edges of the picture (there was a white border) and measured that because in the end my wood was about an inch to wide on both sides (you can see in the above picture). 

** I used a glue stick for my adhesive which is what I've always used in the past for projects like these but  I feel like with this project (the picture was printed on printer paper consistency, not photo paper) the paper was so thin that the glue made it ripple and I couldn't get it to lay flat. You can kind of see in the picture that there is unintended texture... Next time I'm going to try the spray adhesive! 

** In the post where I got this idea she cut her wood into a design to act like a frame which I think is really cute!! I wanted mine to be totally flesh with my wood (which isn't how it turned out) to have more of a canvas look.


  1. i tried using a stick glue when i did my first magnet board and it rippled up too. it best to use the modge podge as the adhesive.... just fyi

  2. I love it! It looks awesome! And actually I think the wrinkles kind of add to the feel of it. Way cute! I like how I've pinned most of these things but then I wait for you to do them and I want to jump all over it after I've seen that it works for you lol!
