Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sandpaper Printed T-Shirt

As you can see, I'm REALLY excited about our upcoming trip to Disney World so we had to throw the Minnie ears on this project! :) 
I happened to have a little piece of unused sandpaper laying around and I got out my best crayons (Oh, crayola- you just have it figured out!) and drew our fancy picture, as you can see shown below...

I made sure to have a piece of card board inside the shirt to make sure it didn't bleed through or anything. (I really wanted this to work, so I did everything exactly how they said). Below is how it looked after ironing it on...

The final step: throw in the dryer for 20 minutes.

 You can see below what happened.... Nothing a little bleach stick can't fix. However, I'm not impressed with this project. I think it will continue to bleed and I will be using my bleach stick more than it's worth..

 Soooooo, moral of the story: Don't try this at home :)

To check out the original link just click HERE


  1. sad it doesn't really work to well cause it looks cute.

  2. I know! I thought it would be fun for kids to draw their own pictures too. Oh well...
