Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Magic That is Coconut Oil!

I have officially put this to the test. I bought my very first jar of coconut oil about a month ago. I came straight home to put 1/4 of the jar in a small container to keep in my bathroom and the original jar to keep in the kitchen. Sometimes I find myself opening the jar just to stand there and smell it, Mmmmm!!

Since then I've used it for:

-Face moisturizer every night 
(I was quite nervous to try this at first because, HELLO, I was putting OIL on my face!!) 

-Brush my teeth
 (Don't worry, I brush with tooth paste right after as well!!) :)

-Leg moisturizer
 (after shaving... sooooo nice!!)

-On sunburns
(worked wonderfully!! Plus, I feel like my nasty, burnt skin didn't peel near as much as I usually does!)

-Of course, cooking

LOVE this stuff!!

This stuff is seriously awesome!! Let me explain a few things I've noticed... 
**When I put this on my skin for the first time I was afraid I was going to walk around shining but it absorbs in like 15 minutes and makes your skin feel so soft!!
**Coconut oil is supposed to be great for your teeth and gums. It's supposed to help create/maintain healthy gums and works as an anti-inflammatory. I haven't noticed a huge difference with this one but I like to think I have a pretty healthy mouth, ha. I'm sure it's working it's magic in there somewhere!!
**When I cook with this I can taste a difference. Especially when I'm sauteing with it. It definitely has a distinct taste so I would play around with it and see what you want to use it for. I use it for some things where I prefer using olive oil for others....

THIS is the link from Pinterest :)

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